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Industrial automation

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Vision systems

Efficient and cost-effective


Industrial Video System

An industrial vision system makes it possible to check the physical characteristics of products or objects in a plant, which translates into more adequate decisions regarding, for example, the next stage of the manufacturing process. The system consists of devices for information acquisition, data processing and data analysis. They may constitute an integral part of the production automation system and support the work of industrial robots. Therefore, in order to offer the fullest possible range of industrial automation services, we offer our customers an effective industrial vision system based on high-quality components. We offer it as a stand-alone system or as part of an entire production line automation project.

Vision systems
Efficient and cost-effective


The role of vision systemsIncrease the degree of automation in industry

Przemysłowe systemy wizyjne pozwalają na znaczące zwiększenie stopnia automatyzacji produkcji przemysłowej poprzez przyśpieszenie procesów produkcyjnych, zwiększenie ich efektywności oraz opłacalności. Zdalna obserwacja cyklu produkcyjnego daje szansę na podjęcie właściwych decyzji co do jego przebiegu, wychwycenie ewentualnych uchybień szybko i zanim wywołają negatywne skutki w produkcji, a także poprawę bezpieczeństwa procesów. Systemy wizyjne zwiększają także komfort pracy operatorów maszyn.

Control of processes in industrial production is essential to keep them running smoothly. Vision systems replace human vision and provide a more effective, optimal and cost-efficient solution than simply observing the production line.
In the end, vision systems indirectly translate into higher product quality, as they make it possible to detect defective pieces or deviations from ideal parameters. This also benefits the end user of the products.

What distinguishes us?

Rich technical background to cooperate with market leading manufacturers such as COGNEX, KEYENCE, BALLUFF.

Transparent and fast process: from the idea through enquiry to the manufacturers, quotation and purchase to our programming, integration, and possible amendments. Technical support from the best manufacturers ensured through our partnerships with leading market players, but also comprehensive assistance from our programmers.

Programming both new, simple applications and complex vision systems based on ready-made components from well-known manufacturers. Extensive experience in creating various types of vision systems for a wide range of applications.



We make vision systems which allow improvement and automation of production processes in every plant with simultaneous reduction of costs and optimisation of internal logistics by improving communication between departments. We offer simple systems such as readers for codes or contour detection, more advanced applications for specific tasks, e.g., distinguishing details, measurements etc., or 3D vision systems. With our vision systems, customers can, among other things, track movement, inspect components, track the production line, integrate 3D sensors, and implement flexible feeders.